Thursday, April 7, 2011


POSTER-MAKING MINUS THE GLUE AND SCISSORS?  What's the fun in that? Actually Glogster ( takes poster-making into a whole new dimension by letting students use online tools--including video--to create everything from student council election posters to event announcements to online projects. Glogster is a multifaceted blog platform that keeps users engaged by offering an array of templates (color, fonts, frames, etc). It's also a very eco-friendly project tool, since no paper is wasted, and the hazards of glue and scissors are eliminated. Completed "glogs" don't get dumped into some stock room after the exhibit, they get saved in cyberspace (My glog below is nearly a year-old)! Students can also explore various forms of art compositions, like collages, newspaper layouts, print ads. But the coolest thing about it, from a teacher's point-of-view, is the interactivity that comes with class contributions to finished work. Here, the process is just as important as the product. Glog ahead and posterize!

1 comment:

  1. Aww. Glogster removed the video I put in there. 'Twas a Francis M song. Why oh why?
